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Research Interests
I am a registered dietitian with the Nova Scotia Dietetic Association (NSDA) with a focus on gender, sexuality within nutrition, dietetics, and health.
My research is qualitative and is often framed within poststructural and social constructivism frameworks. I also use arts-based methodologies, such as photovoice, cell-philming, and comics. Such methodologies can disrupt the foundations of nutrition and health research by involving the emotions, the senses, and the creativity of participants. Art can challenge and subvert social norms and contribute to social transformation through the expression of new perspectives. My main areas of research include: 1) LGBTQ+ nutrition, body image, and health, 2) Community advocacy and social disruption and, 3) Pedagogy, curriculum, and training. |
Selected Scholarly Publications
- Through the Looking Glass: A Poststructural and Queer Exploration of Gay Men’s Nutrition and Bodies using Photovoice
- Lam, O., Mann, L., & Joy, P. (2024). Experiences of healthcare foodservice workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative exploration. Journal of Foodservice Management & Education, 18(1), 1-7. Link
- Joy, P., Thomas, A., & Aston, M., (2024). Translating research data into creative comics for engaging knowledge mobilization: A case study on meanings of compassion with 2S/LGBTQ+ communities. In Sage Research Methods: Diversifying and Decolonizing Research. SAGE Publications, Ltd., https://doi.org/10.4135/9781529681178
- White, M., Thomas, A., Aston, M., & Joy, P. (2024). “It’s beautiful and it’s messy and it’s tragic”: exploring the role of compassion in the eating disorder recovery processes of 2S/LGBTQ+ Canadians. Journal of Eating Disorders, 12(1), 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40337-024-00981-6
- Forrest, M., & Joy, P. (2023). Shame and disavowing queer reality: An autotheoretical analysis. Art/Research International: A Transdisciplinary Journal, 8(1), 69-99. https://doi.org/10.18432/ari29707
- Joy, P., & Hawthorne, L. (2023). The schooling of Peter Pan: Constructs of gender and sexual orientation within dietetics. Journal of Critical Dietetics, 6(3), 5-29. https://doi.org/10.32920/cd.v6i3.1691
- Joy, P., Thomas, A., & Aston, M. (2022). Compassionate Discourses: A Qualitative Study Exploring How Compassion Can Transform Healthcare for 2SLGBTQ+ People. Qualitative Health Research, 10497323221110701. https://doi.org/10.1177/10497323221110701
- Gunaydin, D., Burchell, D., Hickens, N., & Joy, P. (2022). Not Just Checklists and Rainbows: Exploring Canadian Dietitians' Beliefs, Values, and Knowledge of Transgender Nutritional Care. Transgender Health. https://doi.org/10.1089/trgh.2021.0107
- Hickens, N., Gunaydin, D., Burchell, D., & Joy, P. (2022). “It Literally Can Save Lives”: How Challenging Structural Inequities in Sexual Orientation and Gender Priorities Can Create Change in the Canadian Dietetic Profession. Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research, 1-8. https://doi.org/10.3148/cjdpr-2022-005
- Joy, P., & McSweeney-Flaherty, J. M. (2022). Moving Dietetics Forward with Queer Pedagogy: A Post-Structural Qualitative Study Exploring the Education and Training Experiences of Canadian Dietitians for LGBTQ Care. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jand.2022.02.011
- Joy, P., Numer, M., Kirk, S. F., & Aston, M. (2021). Embracing a New Day: Exploring the Connections of Culture, Masculinities, Bodies, and Health for Gay Men through Photovoice. Journal of Bodies, Sexualities, and Masculinities, 2(2), 10-38. https://doi.org/10.3167/jbsm.2021.020203
- Littler, C. and Joy, P. (2021). Queer considerations: Exploring the use of social media for research recruitment within LGBTQ communities. Research Ethics, 17(3), 267–274. https://doi.org/10.1177/17470161211003021
- Joy, P. and Neish, J.(2021). The Queen of Hearts: Exploring the Process of Creating Queer Art and Its Use in Dietetic Research and Practice. Journal of Critical Dietetics, 5(2), 34-41. https://doi.org/10.32920/cd.v5i2.1414
- Joy, P., Gauvin, S. E., Aston, M., & Numer, M. (2020). Reflections in comics: the views of queer artists in producing body image comics and how their work can improve health. Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics, 1-27. https://doi.org/10.1080/21504857.2020.1806891
- Joy, P., & Larsson, H. (2019). Unspoken: Exploring the constitution of masculinities in Swedish physical education classes through body movements. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 24:5, 491-505, https://doi.org/10.1080/17408989.2019.1628935
- Joy, P., Gheller, B., & Lordly, D. (2019). Men who are dietitians: Deconstructing gender within the profession to inform recruitment. Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research, 80, 1-4. https://doi.org/10.3148/cjdpr-2019-014
- Joy, P., & Numer, M. (2018). Constituting the ideal body: A poststructural analysis of “obesity” discourses among gay men. Journal of Critical Dietetics, 4(1), Link
- Joy, P., Jackson, R., & Numer, M. (2018). A mythical battle: ‘Good’ foods versus ‘bad’ foods. Journal of Critical Dietetics, 4(1), 2-4. Link
- Joy, P., & Numer, M. (2018). Queering educational practices in dietetics training: A critical review of LGBTQ inclusion strategies. Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research, 79, 1-6. https://doi.org/10.3148/cjdpr-2018-006